HTTP Sender in Mirth
Using Javascript to create custom HTTP sender destination in Mirth instead of using pre-built destination in tool
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This blog is about sending the http request in Mirth interface engine using the custom javascript. This is really beneficial when we need to loop through the requests and send them in the api.
do {
try {
var data = connectorMessage.getEncodedData();
//Destination URL
destURL = “”;
var url = new;
var conn = url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty (“Authorization”, globalMap.get(‘UniversalToken’));
conn.setRequestMethod(“DELETE”); // this can be post or put or get or patch
conn.setRequestProperty(“Content-length”, data.length());
conn.setRequestProperty(“Content-type”, “application/json”);
var outStream = conn.getOutputStream();
var outWriter = new;
// Get response Code (200, 500 etc.)
var respCode = conn.getResponseCode();
if (respCode != 200) {
// Write error to error folder
var stringData = response.toString() + “\n”;
FileUtil.write(“C:/Outbox/Errors/” + $(“originalFilename”) + “.ERROR_RESPONSE”, false, stringData);
// Return Error to Mirth to move the file to the error folder
return ERROR;
errorCond = “false”;
catch(err) {
channelMap.put(“RESPONSE”, err);
responseMap.put(“WEBSVC”, ResponseFactory.getErrorResponse(err))
// Can return ERROR, QUEUED, SENT
// This re-queues the message on a fatal error. I”m doing this since any fatal message may be
// caused by HTTPS connect errors etc. The message will be re-queued
return QUEUED; // Re-queue the message
java.lang.Thread.sleep(6000); // 6 seconds * 10
errorCond = “true”;
while (errorCond == “true”);